Saturday, 20 September 2014

Taking Pride in Oneself

I've been thinking today about looking after, and taking pride, in ourselves, inside and out. Before this WW journey, I didn't look after myself at all. The poor food choices are now obvious but the lack of pride I had in my appearance and well-being have been in my mind lately. I have a very good job and can afford nice things, however, I lived in crappy, often holey or shabby clothes, worn every day for months (they were regularly washed, I promise!) without regard for how they made me look or feel. I never did any more than shampoo and brush my hair, never wore make-up or looked after my skin. I allowed myself to live in squalor and never looked in a mirror. 

I am not a girly, girl. I never have been, nor do I intend ever to be one. I justified my dowdy look by saying I'm a tom-boy and care more about my thoughts and career than what I look like. However, since starting this journey, I've realised that my mental well-being is just as important as my healthy eating. Today, I had my hair cut, chose nicer clothes and put on some light make-up. The change in my self-esteem is immense. It was done for no-one but myself but it's working! 

I'm going to reward myself for each half stone lost with something to boost my self-esteem and help me to take more pride in myself.

0.5st = new make-up
1st = hair cut
1.5st = manicure and gels
2st = buy a new mirror

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