Tuesday 19 August 2014

Things I'm Looking Forward To....

A post on the WW community got me thinking. I love a bit of goal setting so here's the list of things I'm looking forward to about losing weight:

* being comfortable enough to volunteer in a hot country. Fat+heat+physical work does not mix!
* hopefully being able to sleep without my CPAP machine
* being able to wear smaller clothes (size 14 sounds amazing)
* enjoying fashion again
* feeling confident in my own skin again
* being able to have my photo taken without the fear engulfing me
* feeling fitter and being able to walk up a particular hill without stopping
* my PCOS symptoms decreasing
* not being everyone's fat friend
* getting positive comments from others
* being able to wear a cute play suit in a reasonable size (<16)
* sending off my details for WW magazine
* walking through obstacles without first assessing whether I will fit
* completing the 30day shred
* my joints feeling less achy
* being able to buy bras from shops rather than online
* not having a fat line down my forehead
* wearing heels
* wearing swimwear with confidence
* telling people how much I've lost and seeing their reaction
* being lighter than my younger sister
* being obese, then over weight, then healthy

I may add to this list over my journey, but that's it for now!

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